Thursday, February 19, 2009

#52 Books, readers and beyond - What to read- Exercise 1

I own Nancy Pearl's two books and am familiar with many of these websites. I run the Evening book club here at the branch and so use them often. It was a great refresher and a few of the sites I hadn't looked at before.

When I first started my "read-a-like" quest, I had a hard time finding titles and authors for the book I chose. Novelist Plus didn't help much in that case - there was no "find similar author" link for that title. It took me to the subject headings and I had to make choices about what I wanted in the books and I was not very happy with the results.

The website "What to read next" was having issues and gave a 505 database error.

So I changed titles to "Black Wind" by Clive Cussler. I had better luck with this title on Novelist Plus and The Downer's Grove PL and which led to Overbooked. The Overbooked and Downer's Grove lists were very similar including authors, Ted Bell, Jack DuBrul and Preston and Child. Novelist included Tom Clancy and Ian Fleming. Read-a-likes is still a challenging issue. It is hard to tell sometimes what it is about a book that made you like it so much, so a similar author may not do at all.

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