Monday, February 11, 2008

Sound #24 The Sound of Music

I went to these websites and looked around at the choices they offered: Napster, iTunes, Yahoo!, and Rhapsody, as well as These are all pay sites that offer a great variety of music for a price.

I have already downloaded books to my MP3 player using the Overdrive Console from the HCPL digital books site. Today I downloaded a song from The song is an easy listening song titled "Quiet Path" by Ben Travis. I had to look at several songs before I found one that had a "free download" notice on it. I thought I was doing something wrong because I couldn't find a place on the page to download a song. It turns out that all of the songs I clicked on were not free. The "download to MP3" only shows up on the free songs.

While I was looking around on, I was surprised by the number of music categories that were listed. I finally found free downloads in the Easy Listening genre. I also found that there are new movie pictures on this site. I looked at the new "Mummy III" movie and was disappointed that Rachel Weis will not be in the movie. I hope they didn't kill her off.

I liked the Pandora site. It is radio online only. I created "Joe Walsh" radio. I also went to KUHF and KILT online.

I thought downloading the music from the website was much easier than doing it in Overdrive. It took all of 5 minutes. When I first started using Overdrive it took me over 90 minutes to figure out how to download a book, and that was after training at Central. A patron told me it was easier now, so I'll have to try it again. I've had Jim doing it for me. He uses his MP3 all the time, much more than I use mine.

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