Monday, September 17, 2007

Week 2 Blogging and Safety

Since I created my blog last week, ahead of schedule, today I registered it and read the information on Internet safety. I am always a little leery of putting any personal information online and usually opt out of registering if given the chance.

A couple major points from today's reading are:
1. Don't expect privacy or safety online
2. Don't share personal or financial information
3. Get permission to share anyone elses' photos (a parent's if the photos are of a child)
4. Think before you post - once posted it is there forever

Remember that what you post, text or pictures, is there forever and can come back to bite you. Don't use your blog to complain about co-workers, your library system, network services, or administration. Never refer to anyone your work with by name.

Find out your internet service provider's privacy policies and practices and exercise your options for how you personal information may be used.

Don't reply to e-mails that are suggestive, obscene, threatening, or telling you that you have won a prize. Be on the look out for scams that come from Nigeria.

Remember that the person you are chatting with or sharing blog comments with may not be who they say they are.

For a web of privacy protection for data and communications to come about, we will need cooperation among the business community and the nonprofit community. We need to use a combination of tools: legal, policy, technical, and self-regulatory.

Talk to you again for Week #3


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